Hey Beauties
As I am writing this blogpost, the last bit of sunshine of the day is warming my face, reminding me of the warmth of Jesus' love but also the fierceness of His refining hand.
I was swept up, riding away into the sunset with Him.
The Prince of Peace saved me today from the claws of temptation. I was swept up, riding away into the sunset with Him.
I want to focus on the freedom I experienced and the Strength of My Saviour’s arms around me.
It sounds like a corny romantic movie but it is not. It is reality. Jesus is our Saviour, freeing us from the hands of our captors. He sweeps us up in His arms, taking us away to heal our wounds and take care of our needs. Like David said in Ps. 139: 9-10: "If I fly with wings into the shining dawn, you’re there! If I fly into the radiant sunset, you’re there waiting!Wherever I go, your hand will guide me; your strength will empower me."
I do not want to focus on the temptation I faced today or the failures I faced. I want to focus on the freedom I experienced and the Strength of My Saviour’s arms around me.
Oftentimes I find myself dwelling on my lack of perfection, my failures, as well as my shortcomings. I forget to give full control of my daily life to Jesus and I fall into a pit of despair, wondering why I failed. It is crazy to think that I want to control everything that I do not even have authority over but its reality.
Today I want to encourage you women to sit for a moment and just be still in His presence. Listen to His thoughts on you. Listen to Him telling you how His day was. Listen to His song over you. Let His waves of sanctification flow over you and wash you clean of your burdens.
Listen to His song over you.
My prayer today is that every woman reading this and struggling with addiction, will be able to submit full control into God’s hands. I pray that you will find His whisper of peace in the midst of your battle and that you will not give up after a day of weakness but continue to walk in the freedom He has bought on the Cross.
Nighty Night
Lots of love
Inge xx