Hi beautiful ladies
It’s our final day of the overeating journey. WOW!
For 40 days we journeyed together.
These 40 days were like a roller coaster ride. I had my ups and downs. There were moments when I felt like I was on top of the world; ready for the next challenge, the next day and the next exciting revelation of what God had in store for me. Then there were days when I was totally down. I cried, was frustrated, begged God to help me and fought with everything until I fell down.

When I look back now, there was not a moment when I was alone or did this on my own. Still now, where I’m continuing my journey, there won’t be a moment where God will leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5).

Today I want to share a couple of things with you ladies, which I’ve learned during this journey:
1. Eating anything slower, with appreciation and within in the pleasant boundaries God has created for me, tastes much better than anything binged or eaten without thought.
2. If I allow a lack of self-control to slither into my life in one area, I can be certain that all the other areas will be tested, leaving me weak and vulnerable all over.
3. I always used to think that I had no patience and would never have any. During this journey, God proved me wrong. It requires patience everyday as I have to wait it out for a next meal even if I’m hungry. Which brings me to my next point;
4. Hunger isn’t something I should run from. God allows me to be hungry in order to be humble and fills me up with more of Him.
5. The object of my idolization always turns out to disappoint me. Jesus on the other hand, never disappoints. I can crave the most decadent chocolate in the world and be disappointed by the taste, yet, when I spend time with Jesus, I’m never disappointed.
6. I’ll never go hungry. This isn’t a physical hunger I'm talking about, but a spiritual hunger. Whoever comes to Jesus will never hunger or thirst. Once I’ve feasted with God by spending time with Him before my day starts, I’m filled to overflow and I need less food to fill me during the day. With this, I’m by no means saying that prioritizing time with Jesus has or still does, come easy for me. I’m also not saying that everyone has to spend time with Jesus first thing in the morning. We’re diverse people created differently to glorify God in different ways. Speaking of…
7. My journey doesn’t need to look like someone else’s and just because it doesn’t, doesn’t mean I’ve failed. Stop comparing yourself with other people’s journeys.
8. Fellowship is important when I’m planning on taking on any journey. With fellowship comes support and a lot of prayers. I couldn’t have completed this journey if it wasn’t for my friends and family supporting me.
9. God isn’t a quick-fix God who just sticks a band-aid on a wound. He’s a deep healing God. He takes out all the roots, deep-cleansing the wound and binding it up.

Lastly, I want to thank each one of you gorgeous women who supported me through this journey. Thank you for keeping up with me, reading the blogposts every day and listening to what I had to say.
Lots of love
Inge xx