Hey girls.
It’s day 5 of the ‘Freedom from overeating journey’ and I am super amped for the week to come.
I almost gave in today to an Easter egg craving. Yes, I almost stuffed my face with white candy coated Easter eggs that I have in my cupboard. I sat eating my dessert (because Sundays are dessert days in our home) and at the same moment, all I could think about was how I just wanted to eat all those Easter eggs so that I can ‘feel closer to God’. I felt hopeless. I thought I could find comfort in food when I could not find comfort in God. I felt sinful and contaminated and the first thing that popped up in my mind was that I might just as well drown in this sin because I am at the point of doing it anyway.
I felt sinful and contaminated and the first thing that popped up in my mind was that I could just as well drown in this sin because I am here already.
It is crazy how my brain is wired to rebel in order to gain attention from God or get Him to come closer when in fact it is I who wandered off, away from God.
I closed my eyes and I tried to take my thoughts captive, making it obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). I opened my eyes and I could feel the storm calming down inside of me. Jesus calmed the storm when I felt anxious about my circumstances, just like He did for the disciples in Mark 4: 35- 41.
It is tough being on a sea that has storms every now and again and it is tough having to wait the storm out. Something I have learned about the storms is that they teach you how to be patient and still. Without the storms in my life, I would not have gained patience (and believe me, I still struggle with patience).
Sometimes we are just in a situation where we get so tempted, feeling too weak to endure. Well in those moments, let us take a moment to acknowledge God’s hand in the situation. See, we get so used to staring at the storm that we forget who is on the boat with us. We cannot contain the storm or stop it all at once but we can sit with Jesus through the storm, resting in His presence and trusting His Sovereignty.
We cannot contain the storm or stop it all at once but what we can do is sit with Jesus through the storm, resting in His presence and trusting His Sovereignty.
My toddler-days in this journey continues but every day I grow a little bit, taking one more step into the right direction. Soon I will be exactly where I should be.
My prayer for tonight is that every one of you ladies who are tempted to give in to weakness will be reminded that God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9)
Nighty Night
Lots of love
Inge xx