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Hi girls

Every habit, whether good or bad, has a root. It’s like a domino-effect. Something happened or changed in your life causing your thinking and your behaviour to change. Sometimes the change happens over months or even years. Yet sometimes you decide on a single day to change your habits.

My tongue still gets in the way sometimes even now that I’ve been set free.

The root of my overeating was a lack of self-control in every area of my life. The instrument with which I practiced the lack of self-control was my mouth. Overeating wasn’t the only product of my lack of self-control. The way I spoke to people and about people was also a problem.

My tongue still gets in the way, even now that I’ve been set free. Sometimes, I bite my tongue when it gets out of control, creating pain and discomfort for a few days. The pain reminds me of the real reason I started this journey: to be set free from the chains of destruction.

The little bit of self-control I’ve practiced at the beginning of my journey, with guidance of the Holy Spirit, has grown and stretched into a larger portion of self-control.

Self-control doesn’t come naturally or for that matter, easy. The little bit of self-control I’ve practiced at the beginning of my journey, with guidance of the Holy Spirit, , has grown and stretched into a larger portion of self-control. It’s like a muscle that needs to be exercised daily to keep it healthy and in check.

God’s grace has been my teacher in this journey (Tit. 2:12)

God’s grace has been my teacher in this journey (Tit. 2:12), teaching me self-control and the meaning of denying my flesh. With the lesson of self-control, I’ve learned that I no longer have to be controlled by food or even my own tongue.

Rebellion makes me run further from God; it drains me, resulting in lack of strength and causes me to be dependent on my own lack of wisdom.

Whenever my mind is weakened or I feel tired, my self-control is less. It doesn’t mean I’m a failure. It simply means I need to ask God to realign my heart with His, allowing my heart to resonate with His will and obedience towards it. Rebellion makes me run further from God; it drains me, resulting in a lack of strength and causes me to be dependent on my own lack of wisdom. Obedience gives me strength (Neh. 8:10) and replenishes my self-control.

Lots of love

Inge xx


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