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Hi beautiful ladies

Who the Son sets free, is free indeed (John 8:36).

I have experienced abundant freedom from lies and bondage during my 40 day journey; however I have also experienced freedom in previous 40 day eating journeys. Freedom didn’t come all at once for me, but it doesn’t mean it won’t happen all at once for you.

I remember starting my first 40 day eating journey about a year ago. One of the pastors in the church I attended, said the following words at a previous church celebration: “If you’ve been struggling with the same sin for 10 years after you’ve been saved, then there’s parts of your life that you haven’t allowed Jesus in.” These words kept on coming back to me.

I have been struggling with the same sin for more than 10 years and for most of it, I thought it was normal. I needed to allow Jesus into that muddy, dirty, overgrown area of my heart and so I began the first journey.

My heart was opened up but I wasn’t ready to let go. As I read the 40 day devotional, I still fed on food and not on the Word. At the end of that journey, I haven’t had a heart change and I knew something had to change. That caused me to start the devotional from the beginning and journey another 40 days.

That fast left me hungry because it was in the hunger that I found Jesus and that I had these intimate prayer times with Him.

The second time around, I knew I had to let go of some sticky stuff I’ve hoarded in my heart and for the first time I felt freedom from overeating. I was set free from binge-eating. Although my freedom from binging remained, I fell back into old habits of overeating. The truth was set stone-solid in my mind but not yet in my heart.

The truth was set stone-solid in my mind but not in my heart.

Earlier this year, I fasted for a couple of days on only fruits and water. Man, was that hard stuff. But 3 day fast wrecked my heart more than the previous 40 day journey I was on. I realized that I don’t need as much food as I previously stuffed into my mouth. That fast left me hungry for more, because it was in the hunger that I found Jesus and that I had these intimate prayer times with Him.

It was during the first weeks of lock down in my home country, that I became more hungry for true intimacy with God and a real sense of fulfillment from His Word. I needed to feast on His Word alone.

The change of heart that happened, wasn’t because I was good but simply because God’s grace is abundant and available to anyone who craves for it.

It was only in my third time journeying with overeating. The truth that was set in my mind, became a reality in my heart. It took me 3 times to overcome overeating. I’ve fallen back into habits plenty of times during these 3 journeys but still, God’s mercy remained. The freedom I have gained from this current journey, is nothing like I’ve ever experienced and I want to take a single moment to thank God for leading this journey, being patient with my growing process and never leaving my side. The change of heart that happened, wasn’t because I was good but simply because God’s grace is abundant and available to anyone who craves for it.

If you are reading this and you’ve been struggling with any kind of addiction or bad habit for quite a while, I want to encourage you to ask God to set you free. His heart sets us free and in the freedom, you’ll find the true meaning of life: worshipping God with every part of your body and life.

Lots of love

Inge xx


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