Hi beautiful ladies
What if life as we know it, has the wrong blueprint? What if we aren’t living within the design as it was meant to be?
Well, today I’m dropping a big truth bomb on you ladies: Life as we know it, isn’t life as it should be.
I was bound to fail if my life’s picture didn’t fit in with others.
I’ve spent my whole life, believing that I had to live my life the way everybody else did. I created a dream of how my life was supposed to look like, based on how other people lived. I had a plan for it all. If I couldn’t relate my life to someone else’s story, then I was living life wrong or doing Christianity wrong. I was bound to fail if my life’s picture didn’t fit in with others.
One lie I believed, was that I wasn’t normal if I didn’t do life like other people.
Today, we must trample that lie, crushing it beneath our feet and throwing it at the wall, breaking it into pieces.
He was confident because of the Father, despite His abnormality to the world.
Did Jesus’ life ever seem normal? Was it normal when He healed the lame and blind even on a Sabbath day? Was it normal to touch a leprous man when he was so despised by society? Was it normal to call Himself the Son of Man, claiming He has been sent from God? This wasn’t normal in the Jewish society or in the Roman society. Jesus didn’t fit into the world’s picture and yet, He knew where He came from and why He was on earth (John 13:3). He was confident because of the Father, despite His abnormality to the world.
Do you know where you come from? Do you know the reason you are on earth?
Today, I want to challenge you ladies to write 5 miracles Jesus did on Earth. Try imaging these miracles happening in front of your eyes. Ask Jesus how He felt when He did thes miracles and how He felt when Jewish leaders scoffed Him or rebuked Him for doing it. Also write 5 "weird" characteristics of yourself. Ask Jesus what He thinks about this and write down His responses.
You have been fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14). Celebrate your uniqueness today.
Lots of love
Inge xx