Hey girls
Christ has risen for us. He endured beatings and the crucifixion for us. He has trampled death. He is victorious and we are called to walk in His victory.
I tried to be my own saviour and strength and I failed like so many times before.

Have you ever messed up so badly that you can’t even forgive yourself? Well, that’s me today. I’ve messed up today. I tried doing this journey without Jesus’ help. I tried to be my own saviour and strength and I failed like so many times before.
In order to receive full freedom, we have to let go of being in control and the need to be our own providers. I’ve been struggling with this for about a week now. I manage to let go for a while and then I take hold again. I constantly have to check my heart and be cautious of pride to slip in.
In times like these, grace can be clouded with my own unforgiveness towards myself.
Although I’ve failed, God remains gracious. His grace isn’t something that I deserve but it’s still something He gives (Tit. 2:11- 12). In times like these, grace can be clouded with my own unforgiveness towards myself. I can blatantly deny God’s grace and choose my own righteousness, falling deeper into a rut, or I can choose to forgive myself. Then only can I reach out to the Hand that’s greatest desire is to pull me out of the hole of sin.

We are His royal, victorious children. We are the Joseph’s that received the multi-coloured cloaks. We have the ability to walk away from our brothers: Shame, Condemnation and Lack-of-self-control, before they throw us into the pit. We are able to return to our Father’s house and allow Him to set a table for us before our enemies, while we feast with Him.
We are victorious, so let’s walk in this victory.
Lots of Love
Inge xx