Hey girls
Seasons come and go (Eccl.3). In South Africa, we are currently moving from summer to autumn. The leaves are falling, floating with the wind until it softly lands on the grass. Everything in nature is slowly preparing for colder days to come and to die off in order to be resurrected again in time for spring. Spring brings new life and flourishes with blossoms hanging heavily on trees in order to bear new fruit. During summer, growth does not cease but continues in abundance, bringing with it the hot breeze tickling our skins.
I have recently passed through my own cycle of seasons.
There is also different seasons in our lives. I have recently passed through my own cycle of seasons. I’ve endured the toughest of winters in which all the bad things in my heart had to die off; but I’ve also enjoyed the hottest of summers where I could cool off the heat of situations through the coolness of the sea. With it all, there has been a springtime of new blossoming and an autumn of preparation for cleaning out the bad. It has been a whirlwind of seasons; however, the last leaf has been shed from the tree, slowly drifting through the wind until it softly lands on the grass. The book has been closed on that which has been.
The book has been closed on that which has been.
I am no longer a slave to sin. I am no longer imprisoned by fear, lack of self-control or frustration. I am free from the burden of overeating and the consequences thereof.
The time has come in which I can now learn to walk in total freedom with God. I can now learn more about food and how it has been created for the purpose to fuel our bodies. I can learn how to host people with the food that God has enabled my hands to prepare. I can start enjoying and walking in the freedom, living it out.
I may not be in my ‘Promised Land’ yet, but I am making my way there in favourable conditions.
My story will no longer be a story of an addict. I will no longer be labelled as ‘the girl with an eating disorder’. I am not a glutton! I may not be in my ‘Promised Land’ yet, but I am making my way there in favourable conditions.
I want to encourage you tonight with the truth that a season of pain will not last forever. A season of not bearing fruit does not mean that you are not fruitful; it simply means that you have to rest in order to be fruitful in abundance for the next season. A season of loss is passing.
If you are tired of your circumstances and wanting to give up completely, hold on for a little longer. Our God sees your suffering and He will strengthen, complete and establish you (1 Pet. 5: 10).
I pray that every woman feeling hopeless and tired tonight; will be reminded of the grace of God when she has found herself in her own Egypt on previous journeys. May you recall how God has saved you from the claws of the enemy and how He has lead you into the ‘Promised Land’.
Lots of love
Inge xx