Hey girls
I am standing at a crossroad with a map in my hand, not knowing which way to go in order to get to my end destination. The map in my hand has a marked destination but there is no indication of the route I should take. It is getting darker in the desert and I do not have a lamp with me.
I know my destination in this journey.
Have you ever felt like this? The road forward is not clear even though the destination is. I know my destination in this journey. It is the Promised Land (a place where I can roam freely forever without any bondage, where I can glean the fields without picking up the scraps to keep me full); but before I get there, I need a change of heart (completely).
I am dealing with insecurities that always used to make me reach out to food instead of God.
The trials I am enduring currently are preparing my heart for the Promised Land. In this journey, I am dealing with insecurities that used to make me reach out to food instead of God. Insecurities made me feel worthless until now. Its lies were strangling the life out of my heart. The best part of it all is that God walks with me through this desert. He holds my hand and provides for my needs.
I have never been this dependent on Him.
When it gets dark, I can look down and know that there is a light to show me where to step next to prevent from stepping into a thorn or being bitten by a snake. This light only lights the next step not the whole path (Psalm 119:105).
I have to trust in God with everything I have. I have never been this dependent on Him.
My prayer tonight is that every woman not knowing the road forward will be able to lay down the heavy baggage before God and allow Him to lead. I pray that the sisterhood will start trusting solely on God.
Lots of Love
Inge xx