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Hey girls

'Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move (Matt. 17:20)'.

Read this piece of Scripture again. Now imagine it. Imagine the size of a small mustard seed on the tip of your finger. Imagine that mustard seed was faith and you could sow it into the soil of your heart. Do you know how great faith that small seed will produce? Have you seen a mustard tree?

When I started out with this journey, I had small faith

So what is the origin of this seed of faith? It is simple: Jesus Christ creates this faith, the author and finisher of my faith (Heb. 12:2).

When I started out with this journey, I had small faith, not knowing what God could do in my heart, my mind-set or my physical body. I remember waking up every morning and thinking: ‘How am I going to get through this day’.

With time, I got to experience these promises and my faith have grown even more.

How did my faith grow? I had to repeat Scripture every day, not just saying it aloud but also believing it, knowing that everything in the Word that God promises is true. With time, I got to experience these promises as well and it grew my faith even more.

Do you believe that Jesus can heal you from your brokenness, your illness, your addiction?

Do you believe that Jesus can heal you from your brokenness, your illness, your addiction?

In trusting Him increasingly every day, I got to experience His character as a faithful Father. However, in the same light, I got to see my need for His strength carrying me through this.

Last week was an especially hard week for me in this journey but my Father helped me back up, dusting off the dirt and washing clean the hurt. Now, I can spread my wings and fly, allowing His faithfulness to carry me through the rest of this journey, come highs or lows.

My prayer tonight is that every lady experiencing spiritual battles, being tired and wondering why their faith is tested, will realize that being tested is a sign that she is a true believer.

Ask God tonight to plant a small seed of faith into your heart in the area where you need it. Allow Him to create a good growing environment for it and watch it grow.

Lots of Love

Inge xx


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