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Hey girls

Today was my resting day. I needed rest and I needed to lay down all my responsibilities for a single day to be revived, refreshed and restored. I have been so overworked and stressed these last couple of weeks that all the stress came boiling out, creating a mess in my life.

Something had to be done and something drastic. I had to agree to take a day off and just colour outside the lines.

And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. (Gen 2: 2-3)

My day off was not necessarily a perfectly planned out day in which I would just do fun things. But it was a day in which I had space to move and do things outside of my usual border of normality.

One thing I realized today was that being stressed out made me want to do less, be less to other people and help less.

Tonight, my post is short with a simple message: If you get to this point, take a day to realign yourself again. We are made to rest also and just to enjoy life.

My prayer tonight is that every girl that is stressed, overworked and feeling anxious, will find the grace to be able to rest for a day. I pray that you will be refreshed and restored in this time of rest.

Lots of love

Inge xx


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