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Hi ladies

Another big exciting journey is ahead of us! How great!

In the midst of learning how to trust Jesus, I was confronted with trusting Him even in one area of my life where I have struggled to let Him into for far too long: my eating habits. How strange to think that He even cares about what we eat and how much we eat. Why would he be concerned about my eating habits? Maybe because I have been idolizing food my whole life.

Not any longer. My whole being craves freedom from the slavery to food. I want to feel the light yoke of Jesus resting upon my shoulders. I want to feel the freedom from shackles, no longer feeling it gnawing at my soul. I can almost feel the breeze of victory playing with my hair, caressing my cheek, kissing me softly on my forehead…

I am no longer a slave because I know the truth and the truth sets me free (John 8:32). Then why write about this for 40 days? Well, because being set free from this sin, won’t just mean I’m being set free from overeating, it will mean I’m being set free from all the sins that accommodate and host my sin of overeating. Sometimes, being set free is a journey in itself.

Sometimes, being set free is a journey in itself.

So looking at my day today, overwhelmed by what King Jesus has done already. There’s a couple of things that really stood out for me today as I journeyed with not overeating BUT I’m not going to limit what God did in my day by saying that He stopped with these things. He did exceedingly more.

First thing that really gave me freedom, was that I could travel back in time to the trigger of my binge eating and toxic relationship with good, 7 years ago. I could forgive the one thing that I blame for being the root of all this: ballet. Doing it felt weird in some sense. How can I be angry at or even blame a form of dance? How could I even forgive ballet? However, when I started telling ballet what it did to me, I felt freedom. The wings of my soul opened up and I could fly. No longer do I have a weight keeping my feet on the ground.

The wings of my soul opened up and I could fly. No longer do I have a weight keeping my feet on the ground.

Furthermore, I could surrender my idolization of food to God. I had to picture myself physically breaking this idol, trampling it, smashing it, jumping on it until shards decorated the floor and I could give it over to God. I know have place in my heart for more love towards Jesus. I no longer have sin as a tenant in my heart, no; there is space for King Jesus to reign!

I met Jesus as my strength and armour today in the midst of my weakness. I failed in being obedient to what God has called me to not overeating (meaning I am not taking in excess nutrients that my body will not use). Lies saw a crack in my mind-set and it took the opportunity to bring me to my knees. Well, while I was on my knees, I called out to God to give me strength, the Lord heard my prayers, and He answered it (psalm 32:5). He became my armour against the attack on my soul at that moment. He sustained me. I truly cannot boast in my own persistence or endurance if I do not recognize God as my Sustainer.

I truly cannot boast in my own persistence or endurance if I do not recognize God as my Sustainer.

My prayer today is that each one of you beautiful, precious daughters of God will allow Jesus to set you free from the burden of sin. I pray that you will acknowledge that a slave stays only a while in his master’s home, not being able to enjoy the riches but a son, is allowed to spend every waking hour enjoying the gifts from his Father. (John 8:35- own interpretation). May the peace of Jesus Christ fill your temple today and may you experience His nearness wherever you find yourself.

Have a good day Ladies


Inge xx


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