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Bloom Blissfully: God’s love is more than just a quick fix

Hey Ladies,

"...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind...’’ (Matthew 22:37)

Some might think that we can put God in a neat and tidy labeled box, place Him in our cupboard drawer with all the other insignificant boxes, and go on with our daily lives. As we continue with our lives, we push this labeled box deeper and deeper into our drawer, up to such an extent, that it ends up among all the other scattered boxes. When we need His advice or want a quick fix, we just quickly reach into the drawer, throw all the boxes out of the way just to get to that one specific labeled box.

God is not just an easy solution that we can access for a temporary fix that will only secure the surface area. No, on the contrary, He wants to fix every little detailed problem, but only if you are willing to do it with Him.

It is easy to continue with our lives, not spending any time in our day to fit in according to His will or even reaching out to Him. Days will pass and eventually we feel too ashamed to go back and reach out to our hidden, labeled box, peeking out of the cupboard drawer.

We can easily limit God, only allowing Him to intervene when we allow Him to.

We forget too often that He is the Almighty God who restores sight to the blind (Psalm 146:8) and makes bones come back to life again (Ezekiel 37:5). This shows that God is capable to do anything. The problem is that we limit ourselves to be able to partner with Him and so our perspective needs to change in order to see and experience Him in our daily lives.

God is our all-knowing and all-loving Father. We need Him in every second of our lives. Life might go on, with the same hardships as before in the same fallen world but it is great to know that the King of Kings is walking right next to us, guiding us along the way.

Because He is the miracle-working God, we also have access to make a change in this world.

And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you (Romans 8:11).

May we recognize that our heart’s position towards our Heavenly Father needs to change.

May our roots in our relationship with Him grow deeper and deeper every day, forming a more solid, steadfast foundation in His soil of nutritious love so that we will be able to bear fruits with Him.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. (John 14:1)

If you feel like you are prone to limiting God in any way in your heart and life, pray this prayer and allow the Holy Spirit into your heart to take control of those areas:

"Heavenly Father, thank you that You are a loving Father who craves to be apart of my daily routine and life. Thank you that I am able to pray a simple prayer to ask You to be the center of my universe. May my faith increase daily so that the labeled box that I've placed you in, will shatter into millions of tiny pieces. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Lots of Love




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