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Bloom Blissfully: God’s love gives us the confidence to be vulnerable


Hey Ladies,

When spending time with our Heavenly Father, I usually end up being vulnerable and exposed before Him. It requires a great deal of trust and humility to connect in such a way with Him.

I used to struggle to open up to people about my faults and weaknesses because it made me feel ashamed and vulnerable. On the contrary, when I open my heart to our Heavenly Father, it makes me realize how important it is to identify my faults and flaws. This way I can truly focus on those flaws that have been brought into God's light, and work through them.

Just as God told Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Now we can gladly boast about our faults and weaknesses because we know that His power will come upon (and rest) on us (2 Cor. 12:9). It is also vital to spend time in His word to equip us for future spiritual battles (Ephesians 6:12). When we learn to identify our faults, work through them with the Lord, and share the victory, it prevents the enemy to use our faults against us.

I realize that this is all easier said than done. But the unconditional love of Jesus embraced me quite softly and therefore I felt comfortable enough to bloom in front of Him so that eventually, the blossoms would bring forth fruit. His touch was so gentle, opening petal by petal. I felt so free because of the fact that I was being able to let go of all my shame and guilt, letting every part of my inner flaws open up to Him. I invited Him to search every part of my heart, to test me, and to see every anxious thought (Psalm 139:23-24). At that very moment, I felt this overwhelming excitement and complete joy as He led me in an everlasting way, ready to bloom blissfully.

So, daughter of the Highest King, find your strength and beauty no longer through the eyes of man because you were loved by our Heavenly Father before the world's foundations have been laid.

Therefore sister, lay your treasures at the feet of Jesus. Let His unconditional love raise the life in us.

Having confidence in myself as a woman of Christ has its own battles. As a woman in the Body of Christ, I need to be equipped to fight against the enemy’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11). This way I can stand my ground, preparing for the moment to fight (Ephesians 6:13).

When having this perspective (Colossians 3:1-2); being raised with Christ, setting my heart on the things above and not on earthly things, it helps me to concentrate and focus on the small gate with the narrow road (Matthew 7:14).

The truth is that our Heavenly Father is the ultimate loving, patient, and trustworthy Father. God goes to great lengths to declare and show how He cares for His children.

Lastly, it is so important to have a plan of action. So, when you feel that your foundation is shifting, when you feel unstable, turn to the Word of God and pray the truth of His Word over your life. This is a powerful way to build a relationship with God: by spending a lot of time in and with the Word. But it is important to spend that time in a structural and orderly way, such as setting time out to read the Scriptures, letting the Holy Spirit lead you to observe and highlight specific verses, applying it to your daily life, and praying it over yourself and your life.

If you are someone who struggles to be vulnerable with Jesus, pray this prayer with me:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be truly vulnerable in Your presence. I pray that you will help me gain confidence in order for me to open up to You without having the fear of getting hurt. Help me to equip myself through Your Word and may I accept the freedom and love that You offer to me at this moment. In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.

Lots of Love




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