Hey beautiful ladies.
Today we talk about strength as part of the Trust series.
Strength. What does it mean to you?
When I think of strength, I think of iron and cement, thunderbolts, a large tree rooted in the forest or a proud lion. Strength to me does not represent a tranquil whisper in the darkness of night, the comfort of arms surrounding me, forgiveness when I least deserve it or the softness of unconditional love.
How is it possible that a loving God can also be a mighty warrior?
God with all His loving-kindness, unconditional love, mercy and grace, is firm yet strong. He is Sovereign, Mighty and Ruler over the universe. How is it possible that a loving God can also be a mighty warrior?
The heaviness of our sins in return for His life is a story of strength, the one true story of strength.
Close your eyes and imagine the scene after Jesus’s last breath on the cross. Do you feel the dust on your skin from the earth shaking? Do you see the dark clouds rolling in, bringing darkness with it? Do you see the utter grief in His followers’ eyes? Do you see His beaten up body on the cross with a crown of thorns on His head, nails drilling through His hands and feet, whiplashes of anger on his body? Do you also see the small trickle of hope here? Do you realize the consequence of this scene? The love He has shown for us when He bore the whole world’s sin on His shoulders. The heaviness of our sins in return for His life is a story of strength, the one true story of strength.
Therefore, I am asking the question again: ''How is it possible that a loving God can also be a mighty warrior?'' Well, the answer is simple: God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that we should not die but have eternal life (John 3:16)
See, God’s character of strength is not separate from His character of love and mercy. His character of love and mercy enhances his character of strength.
We can linger in His throne room, bathing in His might, being empowered by it to step out in faith.
When Jesus was raised up on the cross so that all who believed in Him would be healed of sin. He had to die in order for the promise to be fulfilled. Thinking of a God who dies is not normal. Death is a sign of weakness. Not in this case. Jesus died to end the curse of death in our lives. He had to die in order to fight death and overcome it.
The consequences of His strength, means that we can enjoy His multifaceted character first hand. There is no longer a veil between the King of the Universe and His children. The veil has been torn, the price is paid. We can linger in His throne room, bathing in His might, being empowered by it to step out in faith. When we step out in faith (trusting God) we step out fully armored, empowered by the Holy Spirit to do what we are called for.
Rise sweet daughter of the most high King.
Today I want to ask every woman reading this: where is your area of weakness? From which calling have you been hiding out? Rise sweet daughter of the most high King. Trust in your Father. Be dressed in His armor. Step out in faith. Know that God has not given you a Spirit of fear but of power, self-control and love.
We are no longer slaves of fear.
The time has come for you to rise up into your calling to help the sisters around you who are being discouraged by fear, to fight the good fight.
We are no longer slaves of fear.
Inge xx