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Hey girls

I can’t believe that we’re already at post 5 of 8 of the Trust series.

Today’s post is all about finding gold in a season of trust.

The colour of gold is rich. It reminds me of the richness of honey and wheat fields, which are all symbols of abundance, delight and harvest. Gold is a precious multi-purpose metal. When I think of gold, I think of how it enriches people's lives and how they strive to get their hands on some precious gold.

The process of mining gold, is quite a strenuous process. It consists of blowing out the holes with dynamite in order to advance the tunnels to get to more gold. Men working in mines work hard in order to extract the gold. Once extracted, it has to be purified for good use. The purification process exists of melting the gold under extreme heat.

The sweat, blood and tears that they endure in order to exploit the gold, is all worth it in the end.

The men working to extract the gold, work underground. The possibility of a tunnel collapsing on them are extremely good, however, these men don’t focus on the odds but rather on the job of finding the gold. The blood, sweat and tears that they endure in order to extract the gold, is all worth it in the end. Why? Because their goal is reached, their bodies, strength and endurance is being put to the test and the rewards are great.

The tunnel can evoke feelings of fear because of the unknown and darkness laying ahead or it can evoke excitement because of the adventure awaiting us.

This is life. We find ourselves in these tunnels with no sign of light except the little lamp lighting our every footstep. The tunnel can evoke feelings of fear because of the unknown and darkness ahead. It can also evoke excitement because of the adventure awaiting us. Braving the unknown can be scary.

It’s much easier to sit at home in comfort than it is to venture through these tunnels in search of treasure; but sitting at home won’t grow us.

Walking through the tunnel, we can be distracted by objects in the way, like little ‘Abu’ in the ‘Cave of Wonders’ from the movie Aladdin. These distractions can be very dangerous. The shiny glints of fake treasures that catch our eyes, can cause setbacks in our journey to the pot of gold. However, sometimes it’s not only the fake treasures that set us back but also snakes and spiders in the way. They evoke more fear and our trust to venture further, withers away. It’s much easier to sit at home in comfort than it is to venture through these tunnels in search of treasure; but sitting at home won’t make us grow. We have to live in the truth, knowing that we don’t have a spirit of fear but of love, self-control and power (2 Tim. 1:7).

Moving along through the tunnel, we have to trust the little lamp to light our way. It’s scary, isn’t it? How can such a little lamp provide enough light? In life, however, we have to focus on the Holy Spirit to guide our way. His promptings keep us inside of the pleasing boundaries of God (Ps. 16:6). It helps us to reach our destiny. This light that the Holy Spirit provides will never die (John 1:5). The lamp will never run out of oil. We need to allow the Spirit to lead us and not try to journey alone in the dark. In the darkness, we won’t know where the road to the treasure will begin or end (John 12:35). We won’t see the snakes and we’ll depend on the shiny glints of deceiving treasures to guide us into the drowning pit of sorrows.

We are meant to explore with Jesus. We can’t simply journey alone. Like Dora the Explorer we need guidance. Sometimes God’s aid come in the form of a friend carrying you faithfully in prayer through your journey. Other times, His aid comes through soft whispers of caution to not head into a certain direction or even one-way tunnels blocking you from taking a shortcut.

The journey can be strenuous. It can cause us to fall, get tired, feel trapped; but sometimes we can also feel pride, thinking we can do the remainder of the journey on our own. In these times, God never leaves us. In these times, it’s important to endure the trial and give up temptation, in order to receive the victory awaiting us (James 1:12).

One thing I can’t deny is that I have found gold. I have harvested from the fields of wheat that God has planted. I have drunk the golden honey and tasted the sweetness of victory.

The past couple of weeks in the tunnel has been an adventure, seeking out gold, through journeying with overeating.

I received breakthroughs and have been set free. I’ve strayed from the path laid out for me by the Holy Spirit. I’ve even turned back and run away until my legs buckled underneath me and I could go no further. At times I felt tired and weak while other times energetic and enthusiastic. One thing I can confirm is that I have found gold. I have harvested from the fields of wheat that God has planted. I have drunk the golden honey and tasted the sweetness of victory.

At the end of the tunnel, there is abundance of light streaming in. At the end of the tunnel, we walk out victorious for the world to see. We just have to endure the passing darkness and trials.

I want to encourage you ladies today to get guidance when you are going through a tunnel. We don’t have to enjoy the adventure alone but we also don’t have to bear the burden alone. Reach out to a friend who you know will pray for you. Keep them updated with your journey. Pray with them for their journey as well. When you both feel distraction keeping you from moving along or temptation sneaking up on you like a venomous snake, ready to attack, pray with one another.God’s steadfastness is the only antidote we have for the poison of the enemy.

Lots of Love

Inge xx

PS. In a previous journey, God gifted me a friend through the joy of sharing my journey with her; venturing together through the tunnel. If God could provide a companion for me, He can most certainly provide a companion for you as well.


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